Garage Chats with Shop Mum - Stuck in one gear; time for a chainge?
Hello everyone and welcome to Garage Chats. Some of you may know me as the unassuming older lady in the Sales and Admin Department (S.A.D).
Today we are chatting about our gears and chain. They go together like rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong.
Do you know where they are? That’s right; somewhere down there.
Do you know what the levers on your handlebar are for? That’s right; for twisting or clicking randomly until it feels right or the chain falls off.
Let’s have a look at three gear/chain combinations.
Big Girl Gear
Woo hoo here we go. Chain is on the big girl ring at the front and on the small ring on the cassette at the back, (also can use the next few levels up on the cassette). This is for going fast with the wind at your back or downhill - nice and fast.
Little Girl Gear
This is for hard work. Chain is on the little girl ring at the front and the largest ring on the cassette at the back, (also can use the next few levels down on the cassette). This is for wind in your face or going uphill – nice and slow.
Stretchy chain – oh not we don’t
Big girl ring at the front and largest ring at the back (or vicey versa). What we are telling our chain and gears here is that we are going uphill and downhill at the same time. Crazy. Maybe you are hearing noises like graunching and grating and other g words. The chain is being stretched at an angle when it needs to be in a straight line and it is not going to be happy about it.
I like to call this combination ‘The Kingfisher click and clack’ named after my dear friend and riding companion.
Until next time – keep your distance
Shop Mum