Trailside Mountain Bike Repair Workshops

Bike Repair Workshop, events, mountain biking -

Trailside Mountain Bike Repair Workshops

Winter Workshops for Mountain Bikers

Winter is well underway in Hawke's Bay so finally we've got time in the bike repair workshop to teach a few of our pro mechanic tricks to our local mountain bikers. At these two workshops we'll cover the trailside repair skills you need to prevent a long walk out of the mountain bike park... come along to either or both sessions. The same content will be taught on Wednesday and Sunday so choose your day to fit in with any other commitments. Book early, we're limiting spaces so you get lots of hands on practice. 

Session 1: Tire Repairs - Tubes and Tubeless

Wednesday 28 July 6pm or Sunday 1st August 4pm

Session 2: Drivetrain Repairs - Chain and Gears

Wednesday 26 August 6pm or Sunday 29 August 4pm

Bookings Essential

Cost $20 per session per person, please book early at Revolution Bikes or phone us 06 877 8477 to secure your place. Numbers are limited for each session so you will have lots of hands on practice with our bike mechanics to guide you. 


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